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Click to join or renew your PTSA membership for 2023-2024!

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Congratulations to 5th grader Vishal Canumalla!

Vishal’s photography entry
has been selected to represent the Issaquah School District
at the WA State Reflections competition.

Way to go Vishal!

Did you know our Site Council is specific to the needs of Cascade Ridge Elementary, and is comprised of a broad group of people that includes community/parent, school, and PTSA representatives? It’s true!! Many people don’t understand the purpose of the Site Council, and the best thing about it is that it has this broad, so issues that are important to us all can be addressed. Some current items of focus for the Site Council during this year have included update and communication of the school colors and mascot, modification of class party and teacher gift policies, and review of new teacher continuous improvement protocols.

The Site Council’s purpose includes the following:

  • Provide input to help create and maintain an optimal learning environment
  • Blend the values and perspectives of community, parents, staff, and students for effective school-wide results
  • Foster effective communication on key issues among all stakeholders in our school
  • Contribute to creative school-wide planning and problem solving
  • Provide school input for the principal and superintendent on matters of district-wide interest

While there are specific committee members who usually serve two-year terms, community attendance and input are invited. Any community or staff may attend a Site Council meeting. Those who are visiting and have specific items to be addressed may have input in the meeting by filling out a site council action request.

The Site Council often invites guests to speak at the meetings about current items of interest in the community. Each monthly meeting runs from 6:00 until 7:30 pm and is at Cascade Ridge in the library. Everyone is invited to join and the following meeting dates are planned for the rest of the school year.

  • March 4
  • May 6

We invite attendance, especially when we have guest speakers, so if it works in your schedule and you’re interested in knowing more, mark your calendar! For more information, see the link on the Cascade Ridge website:

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