Microsoft Matching Brown bear car wash Coyote wear

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Sample questions and topics

  • What happens to a piece of bread forgotten in your locker?
  • Which lasts longer, Duracell or Energizer?
  • Why do people choke up on a bat?
  • Is Bounty really the "quicker picker upper"?
  • How can you tell if dice are "fair"?
  • Is there a difference between different plant fertilizers?
  • Will cut flowers turn color if dye is added to the water?
  • What is the effect of temperature on gas solubility (soda water)?
  • What is the effect of salt on the freezing or boiling point of water?
  • How does the window in the car go up and down?
  • What happens when I put a shell in vinegar? What happens to a rock? How about a penny?
  • What is the effect of salt on the electrical conductivity of water?
  • What is the effect of temperature on the solubility of salt (or sugar)?
  • What is the effect of temperature, light, moisture ... on the growth of bread (or cheese) mold?
  • What is the effect of breathing changes, physical activity, eating, music, etc. on heart rate?
  • What is the effect of music on math scores?
  • What is the effect of temperature on the rate of a chemical reaction?
  • What is the effect of friction on the speed of an object?
  • What is the effect of light, soil type, music, temperature, oxygen, or water on plant growth?
  • What is the effect of oxygen (or carbon dioxide) on plant growth (enclosed system)?
  • What is the effect of seed treatment prior to planting (temperature, moisture, etc.)?
  • Will cut flowers really last longer when the flower freshness packet is added to the water?
  • Does friction generate heat?
  • Which gum holds its flavor longer?
  • Do boys really like blue and girls really like pink?