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Click to join or renew your PTSA membership for 2024-2025!


Join us for a fun filled day of baseball August 25th! to purchase tickets click here

We are beyond excited to welcome our newest Coyotes to our community! Join us for a series of fun-filled incoming kindergarten playdates on the school playground. Mark the dates on your calendar and come out to make new friends before the first day of school!

Our 2024-2025 School Supply Shop is open! Visit the School Toolbox website to order next year’s school supplies for your student. Ordering through our site lets you avoid the chaos of last minute shopping and gets your supplies to you in plenty of time for Meet the Teacher in August. 

Back to school seasons busy enough- check one thing off your list and shop today! Find your student's 2024-2025 grade level box and shop through the link here.

Interested in volunteering for the 2024-25 school year? Click here to fill out our interest form!

Dear Cascade Ridge PTSA Members,

We want to express our gratitude to everyone who attended the PTSA General Membership meeting on June 4th. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our newly elected officers. A special welcome to Rahul Sachdeva, our newly elected President, who secured 58% of the member vote. Please join us as we welcome Rahul and our other elected leaders to the 2024-2025 PTSA Board. As we embark on an exciting year under your leadership, please know that we are filled with enthusiasm and eager for the opportunities of a new year. 

We would also like to take a moment to address the events that transpired at the meeting and during the election process.

 Respect and kindness lie at the core of our PTSA’s mission. Unfortunately, there were instances of concerning behavior at the meeting, including interruptions, invasions of personal space, name-calling, jeering, and profanity, which were hurtful to many in attendance. Throughout this year, our board members and volunteers have encountered similar unkind and disparaging communications, as well as the spreading of false information, which has left many feeling intimidated and unfairly targeted.

To address these concerns and foster a positive environment, we introduced a new Community Code of Conduct. The response to this new code of conduct from those at the meeting was heartening, and we look forward to nurturing continued relationships with both new and returning volunteers.

In anticipation of an election with additional candidates nominating from the floor, we worked closely with our WSPTA representatives to ensure the integrity of our election process. Our meeting adhered to the formal structure, following Robert’s Rules of Order as required by WSPTA, aimed at ensuring governance efficiency.

During the meeting, two community members put forth floor nominations for the role of President. However, just prior to the election it was determined that one of the self-nominated candidates was ineligible for officer election due to failing to meet the Washington State PTA’s 15-day membership requirement. Subsequently, the other candidate's name was advanced, and a ballot election was conducted for the President position.

The revelation of one candidate's ineligibility was a surprise to everyone, including the candidate and the Cascade Ridge PTSA. The Washington State PTA representative spent time explaining the bylaws to the candidate and the meeting proceeded. It's important to acknowledge that there may be different perspectives on this matter. For those in the community seeking further clarity on the events of the General Membership Meeting, we encourage reaching out to Cascade Ridge PTSA, Washington State PTA, or our Cascade Ridge Principal for the most accurate and unbiased information.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Our commitment remains steadfastly focused on our children, and we are uplifted by your enthusiasm and support. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out through the provided links or email addresses.


Cascade Ridge PTSA


CRE PTSA General Mailbox:  

WSPTA Area B VP, Jessica Smiddy:


WSPTA Uniform Bylaws (See Article 5, Section 6)

General Information on Roberts Rules of Order (summarized by GWU)

Issaquah School District Civility Regulation

Cascade Ridge PTSA Community Code of Conduct