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PTSA VP of Programs

The VP of Programs oversees the following Standing and Ad Hoc Committees:

* Standing Committees

o Art Docent

o Eager Reader

* Ad Hoc Committees

o Festival of Cultures

o Reflections

o Science Fair

o Coyote Art Walk

o Spelling Bee

o Math Club

o Geography Bee

The primary role of the VP of Programs is to serve as a support person for the chairs of the standing and ad hoc committees listed below. The VP of Programs acts as a liaison between program chairs and the Board (i.e. keeps the Board up-to-date regarding program status and chairs’ needs; communicates Board expectations to program chairs.) The VP of Programs may bring to the attention of the Board input from general membership regarding enrichment programs at the school and may help to develop new programs as needed.


Revised 4/29/2022