Microsoft Matching Brown bear car wash Coyote wear

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PTSA VP of Fundraising

 The VP of Fundraising oversees the following Standing and Ad Hoc committees:

 * Standing Committees

o Passive Fundraisers

o Matching Funds


* Ad Hoc Committees

o Book Fair

o Coyote Wear

o Walkathon

o School Supplies

o Brown Bear Car Wash

o Box Tops


In addition to overseeing these committees, the VP of Fundraising shall continue researching new options for fundraising. Any fundraising activities should take into account the PTSA current goals and objectives. This VP needs to make very clear to the parent community the reason behind any fundraising event, i.e., what programs it will support or what curriculum enhancement it will purchase. In addition, the VP of Fundraising will make sure that the community is aware that contributions or gifts to the Cascade Ridge Elementary PTSA are tax deductible – the Cascade Ridge PTSA is a nonprofit organization exempt from Federal income tax under 501(c) (3) – and that some employers provide matching funds.

Updated 1/10/2017