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Click to join or renew your PTSA membership for 2024-2025!

Revised 8/22/2007

The Treasurer shall serve as an active participant on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and attend all the meetings of each. He/she should also serve as chairman of the budget committee and present the budget to the membership.

It is important for the Treasurer to attend the “PTA and the Law” workshop and the Fall Leadership conference, including the session specific to the Treasurer’s function. The Treasurer should also read and understand all references to membership service fees and finance that can be found in the Uniform Bylaws, Cascade Ridge’s Standing Rules, and Money Matters.

The Treasurer shall keep an accurate and very detailed account, in the books and records of the PTSA, of all funds received and all funds disbursed and submit a detailed, written financial report at each meeting of the PTSA (both General Membership and Executive Committee/Board). He/she must provide all financial records if requested by the President or Executive Committee/Board members.

It is important that the Treasurer receive all funds for the PTSA and promptly deposit all funds only into the PTSA’s bank account. He/she must handle only PTSA funds and should not deposit funds of other organizations or ASB funds into the PTSA account.

The bills shall be paid BY CHECK ONLY. All financial obligations of the PTSA must be authorized by the Board of Directors or the membership. The approved budget constitutes this authorization. Contracts must be signed by the President and the appropriate Executive Committee member.

The Treasurer shall forward to the Washington State PTA, through the appropriate channel (i.e., the District PTA Council Treasurer) the State PTA portion of the membership service fees accompanied by the properly completed forms.

The Treasurer must preserve all vouchers, receipts, bank statements, cancelled checks, and other records, and submit these to the audit committee when requested, or to the board of directors or membership when requested and maintain complete financial records as specified in the records retention timetable, referred to in the booklet, “PTA and the Law.”

The books must be closed prior to June 30 and the books and records submitted for audit to a qualified accountant or an auditing committee of no fewer than three (3) members appointed by the President. The audit committee shall not include any person who was authorized to sign on the bank account for the period being audited.

The Treasurer shall deliver to his/her successor all books and records, including historical records, promptly at the conclusion of his/her term of office.

More specifically, the responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Process all PTSA receipts and disbursements in a timely manner.
  • Be actively involved in developing the operating budget for the coming year as well as making budget recommendations in the spring for the following year.
  • Maintain accurate records of all PTSA budget line items with adequate detail as to all monetary activity occurring within each account.
  • Provide support of all PTSA Fundraising projects, including such duties as:
    • Supplying cash for change boxes at events
    • Supervising the counting of receipts during such events
    • Devising the process for promptly collecting funds from the event
    • Safeguarding the funds until they are properly deposited
  • Reconcile the PTSA bank account balances on a monthly basis.
  • Compile a monthly Treasurer’s Report, indicating the financial status of the PTSA and its various projects. This report should include current data as well as year-todate data about income and expenses. It should be clear how the actual numbers relate to the budget. This report is distributed first at the monthly Executive Committee/Board meetings and then at the General Membership meetings.
  • Regularly attend all Executive Committee/Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings, and give a concise verbal report as to financial matters
  • Complete all legal forms, with appropriate fees, as required by the Washington State PTSA and/or Federal Tax Regulations. These include Insurance, Charitable Solicitations, Nonprofit Incorporation, the IRS Informational Return and PTA member dues.
  • Be available to answer PTSA financial questions, research problems and support the other PTSA functions and activities.
  • Work with EVP to maintain two copies of a Legal Documents Notebook. One copy will remain with the EVP and one copy will remain with the Treasurer. These notebooks shall include:
    • Evidence of Corporate Status
      • Conformed Articles of Incorporation
      • Conformed amendments to and restatements of Articles
      • Certificate of Incorporation
      • Annual Corporate Report
    • Evidence of Compliance with Charitable Solicitations Act
      • Copy of Registration form
    • Evidence of Tax Exempt Status
      • Completed Form 1023 or 1024 (application for tax exempt status)
      • All documents submitted in support of application
      • Correspondence with IRS regarding application
      • IRS Determination Letter
    • Other Federal Tax Matters
      • Letter assigning Employer Identification Number (EIN)
      • Form 990 or 990-EZ
      • Form 990-T
      • All correspondence with the IRS
    • Internal Governance Documents
      • Bylaws and all amendments
      • Standing Rules, policies or written procedures
      • Resolutions
      • Special Meeting Notices
      • Meeting Minutes
      • Membership Lists
    • Financial and Insurance Matters
      • Certificates of Insurance
      • Policies of Insurance
      • Hold Harmless Agreements (if any)
      • Bank Signature Cards
      • Grant Agreements
    • Other Documents
      • List of Equipment and furniture owned by organization
      • PTAs: A current copy of PTA and the Law/Volunteers and the Law
      • PTAs: A current copy of Washington State PTA Money Matters

Refer to PTA and the Law for the Record Retention Schedule.

Other miscellaneous job requirements include:

  • Support the Issaquah Schools Foundation (ISF) to best of his/her ability
  • Support the legislative needs of the PTSA.
  • During levy years, lead the way by example in helping do whatever it takes to pass the levies.
  • Pursue other training opportunities as appropriate, including: the Region 2 Conference and the State PTA Convention in the spring.
  • Loop back with the President and EVP about any conversations or agreements that have taken place with the Principal or other staff members to help ensure issues and questions are being consistently represented and addressed in the President/EVP meetings with the Principal.

Refer to WSPTA’s “Money Matters” booklet for more information about the Treasurer’s job responsibilities.