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Click to join or renew your PTSA membership for 2024-2025!

Revised 8/22/2007

The Secretary’s responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Take meeting minutes at all Executive Committee, Board and General meetings.
    • Keep copies of all minutes in the Archive notebook (located in the PTSA room). Include Treasurer’s reports and other relevant handouts and attachments.
    • Distribute copies of all minutes to the Executive Committee/Board within 5-7 days
    • Prepare synopsis of General Membership meetings for the Howler newsletter with help from President.
    • Present the minutes for approval at the next meeting.
  • Reserve meeting space for all Executive Committee, Board of Directors and General Membership meetings.
  • Work with the VP of Communications to issue all “calls” or notices of meetings. This includes posting notice in appropriate areas around the school.
  • Determine if a quorum is present at meetings, handle attendance and in the event the President and the EVP are absent, call the meeting to order and ask for nominations for a chairman pro-tem.
  • Take care of correspondence, including sending thank you’s to appropriate people for donations and gifts, and sending condolences or best wishes or congratulations as appropriate to staff or CRE families.
  • Maintain the Master Calendar by checking with EC/B members, the school office and the school district for all important dates and advising the EC/B of possible conflicts.
  • Make sure the school office has “New Student Packs” available throughout the year that include at least the following:
    • Membership Form
    • PTA welcome letter
    • Directory Information
    • Yearbook Information
    • Committee List
    • Calendar of Events
  • Work with the Treasurer and the membership chairman to keep an up-to-date roster of members and keep an up-to-date record of all committees, making sure the names, addresses, and phone numbers of new officers and any changes in this data are sent to the District Council as well as the State Office, as necessary

At the end of the school year, the Secretary, with the Treasurer and EVP, should be sure all copies of the legal documents notebooks and permanent record files are in order and ready to transfer to new officers.

Other miscellaneous job requirements include:

  • Support the Issaquah Schools Foundation (ISF) to best of his/her ability
  • Support the legislative needs of the PTSA
  • During levy years, lead the way by example in helping do whatever it takes to pass the levies.
  • Pursue other training opportunities as appropriate, including: the Region 2 Conference and the State PTA Convention in the spring.
  • Loop back with the President and EVP about any conversations or agreements that have taken place with the Principal or other staff members to help ensure issues and questions are being consistently represented and addressed in the President/EVP meetings with the Principal

Refer to WPTA’s “Secretary” booklet for more information about the Secretary’s job responsibilities.