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Revised 8/22/2007

The President leads the Executive Committee/Board and the PTSA. The Executive Committee/Board is the main decision-making body and legal representative of the Cascade Ridge PTSA. It is important that the President delegate responsibility and empower others by encouraging them and recognizing and appreciating their efforts. He/she should also attend leadership training and education, and encourage other Executive Committee/Board officers, committee chairs and members to attend. He/she should communicate regularly with officers and committee chairs and maintain visibility to the membership. The President should make sure that all officers, committee chairs and committee members are current PTA members. The President serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. He/she should participate in the planning and conducting of an orientation for the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

The members expect the President not only to be responsive to their needs, but also to be well informed as he/she conducts the business of the association. The President’s role is to insure the continuity of the association by planning for its future; establishing and reviewing the major policies and programs that support its goals and objectives; and, making sure that the organization is fiscally sound. In many ways, the President’s function is critical to the life of the association. The President shall preside at all meetings and plan the meeting agenda ahead of time, being sensitive to input from others. Meetings include, but are not limited to:

  • Twice Monthly meetings with the Principal
  • Monthly Executive Committee/Board meetings
  • General Membership Meetings

He/she must maintain impartiality when serving as the presiding officer at meetings and be knowledgeable of basic parliamentary procedure. In addition, the President should become familiar with the objectives of PTA as a whole, the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws, and the standing rules for Cascade Ridge PTSA. He/she should be aware of and utilize PTA resources from the council, State PTA, and National PTA. The President should establish a positive working relationship with the Principal and staff and encourage PTA members to do the same. The President shall have twice monthly meetings (additional meetings as needed) with the Principal to discuss upcoming projects, share information on ongoing projects, and proactively discuss any school issues. The President will communicate this information to the Executive Committee/Board in a timely manner. The President will prepare the agenda for these meetings. All members of the Board of Directors can submit items or questions that need to be addressed at these meetings. The President shall also maintain contact with the PTSA staff liaisons and be prepared to present proposals at staff team leader meetings or at weekly staff meetings. He/she should also promote and encourage the positive image of PTA within the community.

It is also a responsibility of the President to be the District liaison to Cascade Ridge PTSA by attending District council meetings. These meetings are a good way to network with other elementary, middle and high school representatives. Questions can be asked and information shared. In addition, administrative representatives from the District often come to share information about current issues in the District. Information from these meetings should be shared with the Executive Committee in a timely manner. The President will report information to the Executive Committee/Board that is received from the Cascade Ridge Parent Ed/Special Services representative and/or the Issaquah Council Parent Ed Liaison, keeping the Executive Committee informed of any relevant issues.

The President has the responsibility to make appointments to the Audit Committee, the Golden Acorn Committee and the Budget Committee as designated in the Cascade Ridge PTSA standing rules with the approval of the Executive Committee.

  • The Audit Committee shall consist of three people. None of these people may be signers on the Cascade Ridge PTSA bank account. At least one audit will be performed at the end of the school year to encompass the fiscal year of July 1 to June 30. The EC may also decide that an audit is necessary mid-year or in the case of a change of Treasurer. The same audit team can perform both audits. The team will abide by guidelines in the PTA’s “Money Matters” booklet including the audit checklist provided.
  • The Golden Acorn Committee shall consist of three people. One of these members may be the VP of Volunteers who should be knowledgeable of volunteers going above and beyond their duties. This committee is charged with soliciting from the school community the names of individuals who are extraordinary volunteers at school and in the community at large. They will score all nominees on a rubric and present the winners with a gift of appreciation and an invitation to the District PTA Council’s Golden Acorn reception in March.
  • The Budget Committee will meet in April/May to provide a proposed budget for the upcoming school year to be voted on at a General Membership Meeting in the spring. This budget will go into effect on July 1 and will allow the PTSA to conduct business over the summer. Members of this committee may include outgoing and incoming Treasurer and incoming EVP.

The President has the responsibility to appoint the Legislative Chairperson and Fifth Grade Committee Chairperson to the Board of Directors as designated in the Cascade Ridge PTSA standing rules with the approval of the Executive Committee.

  • The Legislative Chairperson will generally be solicited in the Spring for the following school year.
  • The Fifth Grade Committee Chairperson will be solicited via the Fifth Grade Volunteer Form, prior to, and during the Fourth Grade Parent Meeting generally held in early May.

The President should make sure the names, addresses and phone numbers of the newly-elected officers (and any changes in this data) are entered via the online State membership enrollment program. The president should also be sure to disseminate and communicate all information that is pertinent to PTA’s programs.

In conjunction with the Treasurer, the President should also:

  • Co-sign all binding agreements and receive a duplicate copy of the bank statement.
  • Be aware of required deadlines for: the payment of membership service fees, preregistration for workshops and conferences, application for awards, and submittals for recommendations – as well as annual corporation report and charitable solicitations registration.
  • Be a signer on bank accounts.

Other miscellaneous job requirements include:

  • Support the Issaquah Schools Foundation (ISF) to best of his/her ability
  • Support the legislative needs of the PTSA.
  • During levy years, lead the way by example in helping do whatever it takes to pass the levies.
  • Pursue other training opportunities as appropriate, including: the Region 2 Conference and the State PTA Convention in the spring.

Refer to WSPTA’s “Presidents” booklet for more information. Attached is a generic calendar for the President to use as a planning guideline/reminder checklist throughout the year.