Revised 6/1/2018
The Executive Vice President (EVP) shall assist the President when called upon and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Executive Vice President shall temporarily assume the duties until the vacancy is filled.
At the beginning of his/her term, the Executive Vice President has two key tasks:
Early on, the EVP should also work with the Treasurer to ensure that the Legal Documents Notebook is current and complete and with the Secretary to make sure the past minutes archive is easily accessible and up-to-date.
The Executive Vice President shall attend the monthly PTA/Principal meetings and take minutes to be published within 5-7 days to the Executive Committee/Board and Principal.
The EVP should be prepared to become involved in any committee as needed to lend a helping hand, answer questions and give advice.
The EVP may be asked to take on and project manage special EB issues, such as how to increase attendance at General Membership Meetings.
The EVP shall act as liaison between the Executive Committee/Board and the following subject areas/groups:
The EVP may attend monthly District Council meetings with the President but should be prepared to attend in any case if the President is unable to.
The EVP should regularly attend all Executive Committee/Board meetings and General Membership meetings.
Other miscellaneous job requirements include:
Refer to WSPTA’s “Presidents” booklet for more information.