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December 2012
Volume 12, Issue 4

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break with many meaningful moments spent with family and friends. Hopefully the rest and enjoyment of that time is still with you as you plan ahead for a busy December. As experienced Cascade Ridge families know, the next few weeks before our first Winter Break will be busy in every classroom, and our kids have much to learn and many activities and projects to enjoy!

As we move into this season, I am, again, reminded of how generous and giving this community is. We have many chances in our community to provide to those who are less fortunate, especially in December. Most notably here at Cascade Ridge, our PTSA sponsors Caring through Sharing that provides a wonderful opportunity to give to families who could really use a few helping hands and caring hearts. You will be getting information from your classroom representatives for Caring through Sharing soon. I encourage you to take advantage of this program to generously give from the heart. We, as a community, truly benefit from giving back, and I know the families in the program really appreciate the caring and generosity that expands exponentially through this program. Please look for more information in this Howler, on our website, and in the Coyote Connection that hits your email each week.

Once we get into the New Year, we will be off and running with many more initiatives and events. Very importantly, at our January 25th General membership meeting we plan to elect our nominating committee who will be in charge of nominating volunteers to serve on the Board next year. We will also be reviewing our budget and making some reallocation recommendations for the balance of the year. Please plan to attend. More information will be provided in the January Howler

We will also have more fun family and education events coming in the second half of the year. We hope to see you there!

Happy Holidays!
Deanne King, PTSA President

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