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REFLECTIONS 2014 - 2015

"The World Would Be A Better Place If..."

The Reflections Program is a National PTA and WSPTA cultural arts competition. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works.

Coyote artists can get involved in Reflections through the Cascade Ridge PTSA.  A student may submit an entry in any of six art categories: Literature, Choreography/Dance, Photography, Visual Arts, Film/Video, and Music Composition. Only original works of art are accepted.

Go to: for the Student Entry Form, Project Label and Submission Rules. There are specific rules for each of the categories so please read the rules carefully – entries that do not conform to the rules will be disqualified!  No registration necessary.  The project deadline is November 14th at 3pm sharp. Entries should be placed in the “Reflections” box outside the main office. 

Questions?  Contact for more information.