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Thank you Cascade Ridge! The Caring Through Sharing Program was a huge success.  Thank you to all who donated! We were able to bring several car loads of great stuff to the Holiday Gift Barn. A special thank you to all of the Caring Through Sharing Reps for talking to your classrooms and making collection boxes. Thank you to the Room Coordinators for getting the information out to the parents. And to the volunteers who helped collect all of the gifts and drive them to the Holiday Gift Barn. THANK YOU!  Michelle Lyman, Krystl McCandlish, Angela Fischer, Nichole Wengert, Hailan Fan, Ilavelan Kanniapdan, Elana Clayton, Blythe Mercer, Emila Ma, Helen Dimeco, Erinn Chapman, Kim Streamer, Michele Brady, Kim Mathew, Nathalie Fusaro,  Kim McNesby, and Ajita Krishnan