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Parent Ed Corner
Parentwiser Events:
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
How to help children WANT to cooperate without yelling, bribes, threats or punishment
May 16, 2018 7:00 PM Skyline High School Theater
May 17, 2018 10:00 AM First Stage (Kidstage) Theatre, Issaquah
Are you tired of battling with your child? Do you wish you knew how to get your child
cooperating without yelling and threats? Are you trying to find the sweet spot between spoiling
and strict? Dr. Laura Markham gives you practical everyday strategies to help you raise a child
who WANTS to cooperate, by working with your child rather than trying to manipulate or control.
No parent is peaceful all the time, but it's completely possible to create a more peaceful home
where affection, connection and humor help you resolve conflict happily, and where kids WANT to
follow your lead.
In this talk with Dr. Laura Markham, you'll have a chance to ask questions about your own
parenting, and you'll learn:
· Why children misbehave -- and how to help them WANT to cooperate without yelling,
threats, bribes or consequences
· What research shows about how children develop self-discipline
· The 4 power tools you can use to connect with children and help them with their emotions
· Why yelling and timeouts actually cause more misbehavior
· How you can create the relationship you want with your child
For parents only. Free for PTSA members of Issaquah School District, $10 donation requested of
Parentwiser Archives
Did you miss one of the live ParentWiser parent education talks? If so, not to worry! Our
amazing student and parent volunteers have recorded some of the talks and made the replays
available for you here. Please note: these talks are for Issaquah School District PTA members
only. Please do not forward or share. Enjoy! Catch up on what you miss here
Visit to find: current listing of parent education events, registrations, and
resources across the Issaquah school district.
I came across this article from ParentToolKit about “down time” as summer is just around the
corner! Debunking the Belief That Downtime Is a Waste of Time