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Click to join or renew your PTSA membership for 2023-2024!

Did You Know?

• 2,000 + 2,000 equals a lot of kids in our schools! With 2,000 students added over the last 4 years, the projected growth of 2,000 more in the next 5 years, and the implementation of full-day kindergarten, we need to build more schools and add classrooms to accommodate our students.

• Vote Yes! Bond passage will ensure that we have classrooms for our rapidly growing student population.

• Why now? Land for schools is becoming scarce in our region. Now is the time to secure land and prepare for incoming students.

• What will it cost? If the bond is approved, residents can expect to see NO increase in the tax rate. The tax rate will remain at or below the current $4.14 per $1000 of assessed property value.

• How can the tax rate remain level? The district has experienced rapid growth in the total assessed value of property due to continued new construction of housing and commercial properties. The district effectively manages your tax dollars and bond sales are structured and timed so that rates remain level.

• Vote Yes! for Issaquah Schools by April 26th.   Ballots drop April 6th, so please vote before Spring Break!

For more information, visit ISD or Volunteers for Issaquah Schools.